No Time to Say, “Hello,” Goodbye…

Okay, so I will say a quick hello.

My trip to Branson, MO is coming much faster than I would like. There are many things that I need to do, or would like to do, before I go and time is growing short!

I am starting to feel like the Rabbit in Alice in Wonderland. And it certainly doesn’t help matters that I have such bad time management skills, either. Maybe it would help if I carried a stopwatch around with me wherever I go, like the Rabbit with his pocket watch?

Either way, I will be busy these last few days packing for Branson, continuing to practice my driving, so I’ll be better prepared for the 14 hour drive there, and trying to fit in some writing time to catch up with pen pals and work on a post for while I’m away.

When I return from my holiday, I will be sure to respond to any comments I have missed, or not gotten a chance to reply to before my trip.

Until then, happy blogging!

See you anon,

Dare Right